. . . is posted. I want to thank Allan Bevere for his hard work is regularly posting the roundup. I’ll be praying for him as he goes to speak outside the country. The MBWR will be missing for the next two weeks.
Server problems have again struck this blog, and it’s temporarily redirected to another domain of mine. Continue to use your current domain and links as I hope to be changing everything back within the next day. In the meantime, all comments and so forth will be maintained here.
I suspect that most of the times numbers are used in the media, people are being misinformed in some way. Frequently it’s by ignoring the margin of error. I’m going to discuss this with others on this afternoon’s Global Christian Perspectives. I’m providing a couple of links: Polling Fundamentals: Total Survey Error – explanation of…
Well, that pretty much says it. I will be having fun with friends and family, though I’ve already done a bit of casual blogging in the early morning hours. Blessings to all. If you’d like a thanksgiving post, try this one that I wrote for my wife’s devotional list.
For participation in a previous contest, Tyndale House has sent me a certificate for one free copy of the Life Application Study Bible (NLT), which they say is the #1-selling study Bible. I’m happy to be able to provide someone with a copy of an NLT. I’m going to do this a bit differently this…
One characteristic of creationist debate over the last few decades has been moving the goal posts. Every time a new fossil is discovered that fits into the evolutionary pattern for some lineage we hear the “it’s still an X” litany, followed by pointing to yet more gaps. Each new fossil, it seems, creates new gaps…
The RSS feed for the Moderate Christian blogroll, useful for putting links in your sidebar, will be changing. Since many of the blogroll members don’t read the blogroll admin blog, I’m putting the announcement here as well. The old feed will be going away, and the new feed is already active. If you are using…