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Is Waking Up Always Good?

John Meunier (Trouble Enough) has been reading William Abraham’s book Waking From Doctrinal Amnesia and making a few comments. Since the Wesleyan Quadrilateral was one of the things that attracted me to the United Methodist Church in the first place, I’m not sure that this is an amnesia I’d like us to wake up from.

John has a few interesting comments in two posts: Why Not Divorce and The Incarnation and the Ad Council. Sorry John, I don’t have an answer to your main question in this one. I have heard so many forms of church organization taught as scriptural that I’m beginning to think that the most unscriptural thing to do is to claim that the structure of your congregation or denomination is “scriptural.”

Both posts are worth reading.

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  1. Thanks for linking to Larry James’ Urban Daily!

    As you know, he recently launched a campaign to raise $100,000 by the end of the year.

    Thanks to people like you, we’ve raised over 73% of that goal — which is quite amazing, considering that this is our first such effort!

    You can see it here:


    Many blessings to you and yours. Thanks for your support!

    Jeremy Gregg
    Director of Development
    Central Dallas Ministries

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