
Moderate Christian Blog Aggregator

I’ve just created a blog aggregator specifically for Christian blogs. This is the result of recent questions from people looking for more moderate Christian presence on the internet. While I am happy to work with conservative or liberal groups whenever that is possible, I’d like to have a single place to look for commentary and information from a moderate Christian perspective.

I still intend to participate in the Methodist blogosphere, and have actually been spending more time looking at the various Methodist/Wesleyan blogs, commenting, and sometimes linking to them. But this aggregator is for moderates of a variety of theological traditions.

Right now I only have blogs with which I am involved in the aggregator, but I hope this will change substantially over the next few days. To be included, go to the Moderate Christian Blog Aggregator, take a look around, then follow the link to Moderate Christian Blog Aggregator Standards, fill in the form and submit it. I’ll get to adding you to this list quickly.

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  1. Henry, there’s also The Daily Scribe, which I’m a part of. It’s not explicitly Christian, but rather interfaith. It’s got quite a few moderate Christians writing there, though. (At least it seems so–you may not agree with my classification.)

    You might want to check it out.

  2. Sir,

    You said:

    “I’d like to have a single place to look for commentary and information from a moderate Christian perspective.”

    To what end?


  3. Ah yes of course, moderate comedy too!

    I’ll expand my question: To what Spiritual end?


  4. Ah yes of course, moderate comedy too!

    Well, yes. What other option did you leave me?

    I’ll expand my question: To what Spiritual end?

    And I thought you might be headed this direction, but you still haven’t given me much to work with as an answer. My aim is to provide a mechanism that makes it easier to find my fellow Christian moderates (as I define that in the standards, and thus easier for us to exchange views and challenge one another. It also provide a place for those who are looking for moderate Christian web sites. I get some of this from the Methodist blogroll, but I’m interesting in moving a bit more across denominational lines in this case.

    But somehow I’m wondering if that answers you question. It’s an adequate “why” to me, but then I identify myself as a moderate Christian, and so am likely to appreciate the fellowship of moderate Christians. Is your question about the value of being a moderate Christian itself, or about the value of exchanging ideas between various moderate Christian bloggers?

  5. My full question is this:

    Why do we need moderate Christians? In fact, why do we need any kind of pigeon holed Christian group?

    We are commanded to be likeminded and I can see nothing in mainstream ‘Christianity’ that I could possibly be likeminded with. All they do is divide and then subdivide into thousands of demon-inations or divisions.

    Some liberal ‘mastermind’ comes up with a new jargon word or phrase -‘progressive’, ’emerging’ and ‘driven’ are the latest stupid and meaningless non-Biblical words. Then there is a revolt in the ranks, followed by an emotional knee jerk reaction, then off they go to form yet another ‘fundamentalist’ legalistic group. In turn all you ‘moderates’ gather in your little enclaves to protect yourselves from the zealots!!

    The irony of all this splintering is the basic fact that none of you or them ever come to any understanding of The Truth. In one camp you’ve got assorted 21st century Greeks (Philosophers, Bible intellectuals and theologians) and in the other camp assorted 21st century Pharisees (men of religion and legalism).

    There you have it Mr Neufeld and not a pretty picture.


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