Professional Arrogance
Over on Locusts and Honey, John has a post On the Dangers of Being a Professional Wiseman, that I think should be read by everyone involved in pastoring, spiritual formation, professional counselling, or even just prayer ministry.
The temptation to believe that because one has certain professional training, experience, ordination, licensure, or any one of many professional rites of passage is with us all. I know I don’t have that good of insight into other people, and yet the temptation is there to have the answer without taking the time to get to know the person. That makes me wonder about the temptation level for those who are gifted with insight. The call to go beyond one’s knowledge and wisdom and just solve the problem must be incredible. Time factors get involved as well, and that’s especially dangerous with spiritual formation.
In any case John has given us all some things to think about.
>>The call to go beyond ones knowledge and wisdom and just solve the problem must be incredible.