Child of God Living

Note: I wrote this for my wife’s devotional list for today’s (12/30/05) entry. Jody puts out an e-mail devotional every weekday, and has also created a collection for her book, Daily Devotions of Ordinary People – Extraordinary God. I’ve included an ad ( for the book and a link to subscribe to the e-mail list. We probably only cross over between my blog and her list a half dozen times each year because they have a different flavor and purpose.

5What is mankind that you remember them?
Or human beings that you pay attention to them?
6But you made them a little lower than God,
And crowned them with glory and honor.
7You made them rule over the works of your hands.
You put everything under their feet. — Psalm 8:5-7 (TFBV)

4Now when the time was fully right, God sent his son, made of a woman, made under the law, 5So he could ransom those who were under the law so they could be adopted as children. 6Now because you are children, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts with the cry, “Abba, Father!” 7So that you are no longer a slave, but a child, and if you are a child, you are also an heir through God. — Galatians 4:4-7 (TFBV)

It’s coming up on New Year’s Day, and many of us will be making some resolutions. Some of those will mean a change in our lives. Others will be forgotten within days, or perhaps even within hours. I think the practice of making resolutions is, on balance, a good one. Times of commemoration and renewal are good for us, though it might be better if we had them more often, and were more careful to remember them between.

But the question I want to suggest to you in this last devotional before New Year’s is this: What kind of resolution is appropriate to a child of the king?

While you’re thinking about that, consider something else. Tonight, my wife and I were watching “Criminal Minds

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