Hangouts this Week

season of forgiveness trailerOn the Tuesday night Energion hangout I will have as my guests Energion author Renee Crosby, whose recent novel The Fringe (eucatastrophe press, an Energion imprint) is generating some discussion, and Jody Neufeld, who, of course, has been with the company from the beginning! Our second release (the first after I purchased the company) was her book Daily Devotions of Ordinary People – Extraordinary God. I may even pull out a quote from my own book Not Ashamed of the Gospel: Confessions of a Liberal Charismatic. That’s 7:00 pm central time Tuesday, March 17.

Then on Thursday night, I will continue my study of the gospel According to John using Herold Weiss’s book Meditations on According to John. Last week I had a wonderful time interviewing Dr. Weiss, and we’ll now continue with chapter 8, The Hour is Coming and Now Is. This one is 7:00 central time Thursday, March 19.

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