Biblical Studies Carnival XXXIX Posted
… at Dr. Platypus. There’s always good stuff in this carnival, though I never get around to reading everything I intend to!
… at Dr. Platypus. There’s always good stuff in this carnival, though I never get around to reading everything I intend to!
The top 50 is up, and Jim West is hosting the carnival with his usual snark. I’m #25 in the former, and not present in the latter. Enjoy!
I recently received my copy of this good looking volume from Tyndale for review, and I have summarized its features here. I noted there that this is not a book I will read once and then write a short review. Rather, I’m going to blog through it, which also means that I will be blogging…
The biblioblog rankings have been posted, with this blog at #18. Of course, the rankings are available live all the time these days, so I guess the end of month rankings are less important than they used to be, but still …. What surprised me, after not looking at the rankings for some time, was…
I’m moving through this fairly quickly, paced by the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. (See the last entry.) The pace of reading is an interesting issue. In order to study Leviticus with Milgrom’s Anchor Bible commentary, I spent time nearly daily for more than a year. Now I’m covering about a chapter a…
The carnival is up at You Can’t Mean That, and the Biblioblogger rankings, from which I have fallen in disgrace due to lack of blogging (I would guess-no blogging=no traffic!) are up at Free Old Testament Audio.
Earlier this year I commented twice on Dr. Peter Enns and the actions by WTS regarding his theology and writings. Now he has posted some additional information on his views and some responses to prior reviews of his work. (HT: An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution, though I should note that this does not have to…