Christian Carnival CCXXXVI Posted
. . . at Brain Cramps for God. Lots of food for thought. Oh for more reading time!
. . . at Brain Cramps for God. Lots of food for thought. Oh for more reading time!
Walter Brueggemann suggests how we might avoid getting tangled up on secondary issues: (HT: Allan R. Bevere)
There has been a good deal of talk in the biblioblogosphere about translation theory, and in connection with that support for the REB. In particular, I would note John Hobbins post Why the REB is a Great Translation, and to his earlier posts (not directly on the REB but very relevant to this post), You…
. . . but they supposedly recount one incident. The first came to me via the Traditional Values Coalition alert e-mail, which is generally quite strident. It referred me to this story on Alain’s Newsletter, which tends to make the TVC alerts look calm, collected, and irenic. Now here’s another story, this time from The…
Brian LePort has a good roundup of commentary on this issue which also mentions Tremper Longman. (HT: sunestauromai)
Today reports (an AP story) that Jackie Mason is suing Jews for Jesus over the use of his image and name in one of their pamphlets. (See the Jews for Jesus press release in response here.) I haven’t seen the pamphlet itself, but this action seems over the line to me. The only thing…
I chose to do my lectionary reading today from the KJV, and specifically from an edition of the C. I. Scofield study Bible. This is an interesting exercise for me, since I grew up on the KJV. In fact, it’s no harder for me to do my reading from the KJV than from a very…