Threads Post on KJV Only
I have posted a couple of YouTube embeds and some short comments on the KJV-Only preaching on my Threads blog.
I have posted a couple of YouTube embeds and some short comments on the KJV-Only preaching on my Threads blog.
Update (12/28/06): There’s a good review of the Clear Word Bible on Thinking Christian titled Book Review: “The Clear Word”. This review goes into much greater breadth and depth on this book that is not even truly a paraphrase of the Bible. Since I regularly come to the defense of various Bible translations some folks…
. . . in which, quite logically, I discuss chapter 5. 🙂 In Chapter 5, originals that matter, Ehrman first introduces the basics of textual criticism and tells us how textual decisions are made. This good overview, as he notes, will not prepare you to make textual decisions for yourself, but it will let you…
Rick Mansfield has made an excellent post on the controversy with the ESV. He makes a number of excellent points, but I’d like to quote one paragraph from near the end: My contention is not with the ESV. But I do have great problems with the inaccurate rhetoric that I often hear from proponents and…
… in the Christian Science Monitor, no less. (HT: Exploring Our Matrix.)
The lectionary passages for Epiphany 2 (Cycle A) include 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. In verse seven, we have the phrase “spiritual gift.” It’s interesting to note which word is used for “spiritual gift”–in this case charisma. This is not the word used in 1 Corinthians 12:1 and 14:1, which both use pneumatikos. A number of interpreters…
A post-Easter meditation. Translation it is that openeth the window, to let in the light; that breaketh the shell, that we may eat the kernel; that putteth aside the curtaine, that we may looke into the most Holy place; that remooveth the cover of the well, that wee may come by the water, even as…