Two Mountains
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(Featured image generated by Jetpack AI.)
In debates on creation and evolution I have occasionally encountered the ruin and restoration theory. This view allows an old earth, but does so in a different way. Genesis 1:1 is viewed as an original creation, and then the word in 1:2 normally translated “was” is instead translated “became.” I discuss the details in the…
This text struck me this morning. How often to we forget this part of the gospel? 27Only carry out your activities in a way that is worthy Christ’s good news, so that whether I come and see you or whether I’m away, I’ll hear that you are standing firm in one spirit, putting out your…
A while back Dave Black linked to a review of Genesis Unbound by John Sailhammer. The review is by Andrew Kulikovsky and is on the Answers in Genesis site, titled Unbinding the Rules. The interesting thing for me about this review is that despite being very negative, it made me much more anxious to read…
I encountered a question recently that I’d like to explore a bit. The question comes in three parts, or perhaps with three perspectives. When God commanded the Israelites to look to the bronze serpent to be healed, was God commanding idolatry? Why would God give this command? Was this a good command? It’s easy to…
Continuing … !
John Hobbins has already commented on this, and I agree with what he had to say. But my attention was called back to the issue from a Christian Post item in my reader account this morning titled First verse in Bible is mistranslation, say scholar. There are just so many things wrong with that headline,…
In debates on creation and evolution I have occasionally encountered the ruin and restoration theory. This view allows an old earth, but does so in a different way. Genesis 1:1 is viewed as an original creation, and then the word in 1:2 normally translated “was” is instead translated “became.” I discuss the details in the…
This text struck me this morning. How often to we forget this part of the gospel? 27Only carry out your activities in a way that is worthy Christ’s good news, so that whether I come and see you or whether I’m away, I’ll hear that you are standing firm in one spirit, putting out your…
A while back Dave Black linked to a review of Genesis Unbound by John Sailhammer. The review is by Andrew Kulikovsky and is on the Answers in Genesis site, titled Unbinding the Rules. The interesting thing for me about this review is that despite being very negative, it made me much more anxious to read…
I encountered a question recently that I’d like to explore a bit. The question comes in three parts, or perhaps with three perspectives. When God commanded the Israelites to look to the bronze serpent to be healed, was God commanding idolatry? Why would God give this command? Was this a good command? It’s easy to…
Continuing … !
John Hobbins has already commented on this, and I agree with what he had to say. But my attention was called back to the issue from a Christian Post item in my reader account this morning titled First verse in Bible is mistranslation, say scholar. There are just so many things wrong with that headline,…
In debates on creation and evolution I have occasionally encountered the ruin and restoration theory. This view allows an old earth, but does so in a different way. Genesis 1:1 is viewed as an original creation, and then the word in 1:2 normally translated “was” is instead translated “became.” I discuss the details in the…
This text struck me this morning. How often to we forget this part of the gospel? 27Only carry out your activities in a way that is worthy Christ’s good news, so that whether I come and see you or whether I’m away, I’ll hear that you are standing firm in one spirit, putting out your…