Tech Fun: Old and New Meet

terminal-102516-250x242Some of you may not be aware that I blog a few tech subjects, sometimes related to my IT work and sometimes not, on I thought I recent post would be of broader interest. It shows old technology meeting new – Past Meets Present: Command Line Twitter Clients on Linux.

How many of you remember using a computer that was managed by typed commands at the command line? I’m guessing the number is not large, because people I help with their computer issues generally have no idea what I’m talking about by “terminal” or “command line” or any of a number of other ways to say it.

Twitter, on the other hand, is very current. Not quite the latest any more, but still today. Enter Twidge. I show you the video of using this from the command line. Showing how old I am, I found it only slightly more cumbersome than a graphical interface, and I could come to like this approach myself.

Here’s the video:

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