Good Poll-Reading Advice from
There’s nothing quite so annoying as hearing people spin the polls.
… through politics (HT to myself at Under Christ’s Archy).
George McGovern isn’t my very most favorite person, but he is quoted in Newsweek saying this: Reached by NEWSWEEK on vacation, McGovern offered Democrats a warning. “For 50 years, [Republicans] used the fear of communism to beat Democrats,” he said. “I hope we don’t have 50 years of terrorism for them to do the same…
Since I had decided long ago what my vote would be, and the man I thought the better (though not nearly perfect) candidate won, it was enjoyable for me to watch. I really don’t want to dwell on the details. The greatest problem for President-Elect Barack Obama may not be any of the crises with…
I’ve been watching this story for a few days. For those who haven’t been keeping up with the news, the Obama administration is proposing rules that would require all employers to provide coverage for contraception in their health care plans. Catholics are in an uproar over this. The White House has responded (HT: Unsettled Christianity)….
I recommend that everyone read this statement printed in full and discussed over on Dispatches.
In yesterday’s mail I got a political ad. With Florida’s primary just a few days away, that’s not unusual, but this one was particularly interesting. On the front it reads “Republican Voter Guide” with the admonition under it “Vote September 5th.” Now a reasonable person might conclude that one is going to find a guide…