
Tonight on the Energion Tuesday Night Hangout: Age of the Earth and some Textual Discussion

Tonight on the Energion Tuesday Night Hangout, Elgin Hushbeck, Jr. will interview author Jay Hall regarding his book on the age of the earth, and then Elgin and I will be joined by Thomas Hudgins for a discussion of some translation/interpretation issues (to be determined as we go!).

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  1. Ugh, the young earth creationist gave pretty weak arguments. It is to the detriment of evangelical Christianity that a vocal subset believe and support YEC.

    1. I think many “vocal subsets” are unfortunate, yet the best way to work is to discuss. I thought he was a kinder, gentler young earth creationist than I had heard before. I preferred having Elgin Hushbeck, an old earth creationist interview him, as the difference is a bit narrower and can focus on the age of the earth rather than evolutionary theory, which it would if I, a theistic evolutionist (but see this), was doing the interview.

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