
Learning about the Homeless

9781631991271sOver the years I’ve heard many discussions of what one should do about people asking for money at streetcorners, or at the exit from the interstate, or wherever they may be found. The vast majority of these discussions were about ethics. Do I have a duty to help such people if I can? If I help them, will I be encouraging their (presumed) addiction? If I give, how much should it be?

It’s good to discuss ethics, though quite often what we discuss remains abstract. We decide what the ethical thing to do and then continue doing whatever we felt like doing in the first place.

But what if that isn’t the question?

This week, on the Energion Discussion Network Renee Crosby is offering some posts, and today’s post struck a nerve for me. It is much easier for me to give a dollar or two than it is to get to know someone and to converse. But that is one thing that Renee suggests. It’s not that you shouldn’t give that dollar (or more). Rather, that may not be enough.

Check it out and think about it!

Also, note that EDN is offering a free book drawn from those eligible comments by eligible people (Energion employees, contractors, and authors are excluded). So comment and discuss over there and you might win a free book as well as learning something new.

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