Tonight on the Energion Hangout
Using Google Hangouts on Air I’ll be having a conversation with Nick May and Heath Taws, two authors who are also young adults involved in pastoral ministry. Join the excitement!
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Using Google Hangouts on Air I’ll be having a conversation with Nick May and Heath Taws, two authors who are also young adults involved in pastoral ministry. Join the excitement!
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James McGrath links to a PDF by Tim S. Paananen demonstrating some problems with forgery detection via literary parallels. I’ve kept largely silent on the issue of the authenticity of The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife, because I don’t read Coptic and I’m simply not well enough acquainted with the various methodologies that would be required…
We now come to the third mark of a New Testament church, and that is its commitment to biblical truth. One of the weakest aspects of Western Christianity is our failure to give proper teaching to new converts. As a result, biblical illiteracy plagues the church in America. This is a weakness in some mainline churches, and often in evangelical…
Peter Kirk reviews some comments to see if John Piper believes this. It’s a worthwhile, link-rich post. Check it out.
OK, I’m very late on this one and you can find much more information at The Church of Jesus Christ where Polycarp has been following it. Here’s the video: I should, but can’t, resist posting my own YouTube video beside this one: Why I Hate the KJV: I guess you can tell what I think.
Laura at Pursuing Holiness has a good post on a Christian response to the New Atheism. I agree largely with Laura, though I would comment on a couple of details. First, a common objection I hear to the new atheists is that they are too vocal and forceful. I think this criticism is not well…
Andrew Wilson has a post on The Gospel Coalition (Voices) blog titled Why I don’t Hate the Word Inerrancy. In a certain way I have to agree with his conclusion: But I don’t think the answer is to hate the word. If we were to abandon every word that had been tainted by poor use,…