In the UMC Debate, Keep This in Mind
… from Joel Watts on Maxie Dunnam.
… from Joel Watts on Maxie Dunnam.
I publish a couple of books that use Acts of the Apostles as a source for principles to guide the 21st century church. I publish such books with a certain amount of trepidation, as it’s very easy to apply material piecemeal, which results in discovering that the biblical book in question tells us to do…
In a comment to a previous post, Kris asks whether Christians are required to tithe. That was one of two questions and I divided them into two posts to allow for separate discussions of the question. I don’t find tithing in the New Testament. Now I’m not a purely “New Testament” believer. I believe that…
I found a new blog (for me) this week via John Meunier—To Him Which is Yes. I was particularly attracted by the post John linked to, Bringing back belief. Jack Burden, the blogger, tells the story of how he silenced a committee meeting, doubtless an extremely useful skill under any circumstances, but the point is…
… at Fish and Cans. I am overwhelmed with work and didn’t get around to making a submission, but there’s bunches of good stuff. Folks who have been reading my work on inerrancy either here or at my Threads blog should see Jeremy Pierce’s contribution
The quote above comes from chapter 1 of S. J. Hill’s book, What’s God Really Like?, and I’d like to spend some time with this, looking at it from different angles. The first angle is one of worship. I was in a church committee meeting some years back where a room full of people were…
You can find the full context at The Jesus Paradigm (extracted from Dave Black Online). But here’s just the question itself: When will appeals for vocations to the ministry end? And when, in their place, will the church encourage all of its members to seek God’s will for the area of ministry in which they…
Thanks, Henry!