
Review: A Bat in the Belfry

This was the first book I’ve read by Sarah Graves. I must confess that initially I came close to abandoning the book. The first couple of chapters plodded along, and there were too many people introduced for my taste. But I persevered, and it was worth it.

As the book moves forward the many personal stories start to make sense and to combine into an excellent mystery. I’ve seen this before, but I’ve also seen books where the personal stories failed even after the reader was obviously supposed to see the connections.

The story line combines small town values, society, and politics with an excellent mystery. I did suspect the correct person fairly early in the book, but I only suspected him. The details that would make me certain didn’t come until later.

I still rate this a 3 of 5 stars. I will look at more books by this author, but I’m not running out to get another one today.

Buy A Bat in the Belfry via my Amazon.com aStore.

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