Just in case we thought democrats were our friends …
More legal invasions of privacy, sponsored by a democrat.
More legal invasions of privacy, sponsored by a democrat.
I’m sure it’s a requirement that political commentators try to discover trends in voting patterns. It’s also not surprising that they try to make those trends deal with either the Democratic or the Republican parties. But I think that they simply don’t comprehend the meaning of “independent.” I’m just one independent voter. I won’t register…
Allan Bevere has preempted by writing about something I was intending to discuss and doing it better. He does this by discussing current protests and reactions to them in his post Town Hall Meetings Protests and Tone-Deaf Politicians. I have been repeatedly amazed by the extent to which both sides of many debates are completely…
Joe Carter provides some thoughtful suggestions on sex education. He suggests that it is more important to teach children how to make moral decisions than it is to indoctrinate them into the particular solution you want them to accept. If forced to choose I would be firmly on the abstinence only side. But I believe…
Today while doing grocery shopping, I saw a T-Shirt with the slogan: My faith and my freedom are one. Underneath was the verse: Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD (Psalm 33:12). I don’t know who provides such a shirt, but that slogan troubles me deeply. I think it reflects the problem that…
I an earlier post, Public Financing, Integrity, and Mixed Emotions I discussed my mixed emotions on Barack Obama’s flip-flop on public financing. I dislike public financing of campaigns, and it’s nice to see the system receive a body blow, but at the same time, I have a serious problem with Obama’s action. Before someone thinks…
I found this article via WorldNetDaily: Pope is warned of a green Antichrist. According to Cardinal Biffi, who gave the Lenten message this year, the antichrist could be “a pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist”. OK, I resemble that remark. Of course, I’m not nearly important enough to be the actual antichrist. Probably I could just encourage…