The Other Party
Too many people complain when the other party abuses power, few when their own does. Ed Brayton smacks both down. Good job!
Too many people complain when the other party abuses power, few when their own does. Ed Brayton smacks both down. Good job!
… like right there! The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c <td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;' colspan='2'Crumbums & Fatcats Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Reform (HT: Language Log)
. . . or perhaps not. Joe Carter at evangelical outpost links to and critiques some rules for church leaders regarding political activities and involvement. I’m pretty much in agreement with Carter’s critique. I am a supporter of church and state, but even my view on church and state is informed by my faith. I…
Well, only if you blog them. Yesterday I wrote about checking the truth of what we post on social media, (though I was more interested in us checking the truth of what we share about one another personally), and today I note that a post by Ed Brayton (Dispatches from the Culture Wars), written by… has an interesting article today on medical practices and faith. The general title belies the content which is almost exclusively about clinics that do not offer birth control, sterilizations, in-vitro fertilization, or abortions. According to the article there is a growing trend. The article notes: The number of “NFP-only” practices is unknown, but an…
. . . according to a letter on NRO reported in this MSNBC story. He gets worse as he runs. Too bad. In 2000 I supported him.
Jim Rutz of WorldNetDaily has an article here that is so far over the top that it’s classically funny. If Jim Rutz is right I should probably be gay, considering I’m a fourth generation vegetarian and was raised on a diet including a much higher portion of soy bean products than that of the average…