What Dennis Venema Would Like to Hear a Young Earth Creationist Say
I think this post at BioLogos makes some important points. Besides, Dennis Venema does some excellent writing (not in this post, it’s about him).
I think this post at BioLogos makes some important points. Besides, Dennis Venema does some excellent writing (not in this post, it’s about him).
I was reading the entry The Ignorant Credulity of Creationists on Dispatches from the Culture Wars, where Ed Brayton quotes the following from a creationist response to Tiktaalic roseae, and then comments: . . . or those who are more of a six-day creationist stripe, the finding poses no threat either. Discovery Institute scientists have…
… then perhaps nobody could say this: But if four years of college undo 18 years of parenting and religious affiliation, perhaps the faith community’s tenuous hold is the problem, not the particular place outside its bubble where that hold evaporates. Consider the believers we’ve seen in history. With all the persecution that Judaism and…
A couple of questions have arisen about my position on these issues, and though I’ve stated all these things before, they have generally been in longer presentations. So I’m going to try to state my position. I see three easily demarcated positions on design: The universe is designed as a fully functional system, and the…
Dave Black wants us to do church planting cooperatively. We should!
I once preached a sermon by that title, and my main point was simply that complaining can be a valuable activity. We need people who notice things that are wrong and are willing to point them out. We need critics. I was reminded of that sermon today when I read the post Clergy Haters from…
Why a Missionary? Because God says so… This is from Michelle’s blog, And She Went Out …. It’s a good quote. Michelle is the host for this week’s Christian Carnival.