Not Only a Father

Tim Bulkeley is trying to generate some discussion of his book Not Only a Father. I’m a little late to the game, as many other bloggers have already linked, but I’ve been busy trying to shepherd six books through the release process. But though late, here I am.

There are two things that excite me about this book. The first is technical. Tim is presenting the book online with the option to enter comments and create discussion. I plan to do so as I manage to read the book. I encourage you to go and do likewise!

The second thing that excites me is the topic. I have a little history with this topic, ever since a doctor of my acquaintance said in a sermon that God actually had the various human organs. By virtue of that point, she believed that God must actually be male. This is, of course, an extreme view.

Very recently, however, I heard a new associate minister in a church use “father-mother God” in prayer, and there was an audible gasp in the congregation. Similarly I was strongly questioned over using “like a hen gathers her chicks” in a communion liturgy. The fact that the phrase comes from Scripture had no impact.

So I’m looking forward to continuing to read and interact with this book.


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