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Christianity Today on Short Term Mission Trips

Christianity Today has a good article giving multiple views on short-term mission trips, specifically those that are travel-intensive. I like getting the multiple views.

As someone who has participated in and even led mission trips that were “travel-intensive,” I would suggest that leaders and organizers should give serious attention to these evaluations. Don’t take just the negative. It’s easy to imagine that if the money was not spent on a mission trip it would be put into some other good cause. It might, instead, go to a cruise.

I’d suggest several points to consider if you’re planning such a trip.

1) Have a good contact in your host country. By a good contact I mean someone who will point you in the right direction. This doesn’t need to be a missionary. It’s best if this is a good local contact. I can’t overemphasize this. Work in connection with the local church.

2) Be sure you’re listening to your local contact. Don’t plan to do things your way.

3) Have good church support at home. I don’t mean people to pay the bills. I mean a church (or churches) that commissions you, supports you, and provides accountability.

4) Choose your team wisely. Not everyone who says “I want to go” actually wants to contribute as part of a team. I could say a lot of things about how to do this, but connection with their local church community, pastor, elders, or other leadership is a good thing.

5) Be sure you have good leaders on the team.

6) Prayerfully evaluate what you will accomplish, both for the team and for your hosts. Is this building the kingdom or is it just making us feel good about ourselves? How could this mission be accomplished better?

Bottom line is that a short-term mission trip is much like any other project. It needs to be done prayerfully and wisely and according to God’s call.

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