
Christian Carnival CCXCVI

Welcome to the September 30, 2009 edition of the Christian Carnival CCXCVI.  This is the “I can’t think of a creative theme” edition!


For His Glory presents Your Spiritual Wardrobe posted at For His Glory, saying, “God has provided everything we need for life and godliness (II Peter 1:3). Come and see the list of outfits He has provided for us to clothe ourselves in as we walk through life.”


Will Green writes about the theology of the fall and suffering, with a post titled A theory on the relationship between the Fall and suffering today at Weblog of a Christian Philosophy Student.

FMF presents Dave Ramsey, Christianity, and Money posted at Free Money Finance, and discusses the financial philosophy and style of presentation used by Dave Ramsey.

andriel presents Yom Kippur – The Foreshadowing of Christ posted at ReturningKing.com.  This is part 10 of an ongoing series entitled, “A Pastoral Soteriology” (more to come).

NCSue presents The case of the errant embryo posted at IN HIM WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING.  This presents a story of very difficult questions and how a couple have responded to them.

John presents Speaking Truth to Power? posted at Brain Cramps for God, saying, “Is it possible for the members of the Body of Christ in the US to separate themselves from their attachment to their secular political divisions to truly ‘speak truth to power’?

JLS presents What Ever Happened to Frank? posted at Pastoral Musings.  It’s a haunting question.

Will D presents How has Literal Interpretation Changed? posted at Fundamentally Changed.  The word “literal” is used quite loosely on all sides.  You will benefit by noticing the nuances presented in this post.

Edward presents A House Divided – Is Age-Segmented Ministry Failing? posted at Crimson Conservative and asks whether it is time to re-think the model of age-segregated ministry.  Crimson Conservative shares his thoughts and reflections on Christianity Today’s recent article.

Diane R presents Finally….Maybe It’s Over! posted at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet, saying, “The time for segregating the church into age groups has to be over, hopefully.”  This is a second look at this subject!

Chasing the Wind presents Does God Exist? posted at Chasing the Wind, saying, “People have been asking if God exists for thousands of years. God has already provided all the proof we need, both external and internal. All we have to do is be honest about our seeking.”  A study of Pslams 19.

Rick Schiano presents Let Go, for Mental Peace posted at Ricks Victory Blog.  Fear can do untold harm.  Can you let it go?

Andrea @ Unfailingly Loved presents Safe and Sound posted at Unfailingly Loved.  Lost and unsure of your way? Call out to the Lord. He is faithful to be present. He knows your name, where you are, and where you need to go.

NtJS presents The Big Birthday Lesson: A new tradition posted at not the jet set, saying, “Starting at 6 years old we decided that a child has finally developed enough socially and mentally to understand sharing and giving, that the world is bigger then them and not centered around them.”

Ridge Burns presents Presence posted at Ridge’s Blog.  “The presence of God is active and real today.”  Do you notice it?

Barry Wallace presents Is theology your idol? posted at who am i?, saying, “This is a follow-up to my post on the potentially damning dangers of theology and includes a couple more excerpts from J.I. Packer’s “Knowing God.””

Rodney Sutton presents Help! My Feelings Have Been Hurt And I Can’t Get Over It! posted at Happy Hog Speaks!.  Forgiveness can be very difficult–yet necessary!

Marcus Maher presents The Future of Missions? posted at Seeking the truth….  Is ‘business as misions’ a promising model?

Annette presents By Faith – Abel, Enoch and Noah posted at Fish and Cans.  She examines three examples of faith from Hebrews 11 and looks at how their story might find application in our lives.

Michelle presents a praise report, 09.26.09 posted at Thoughts and Confessions of a Girl Who Loves Jesus….

Rey presents The Holy Spirit, an overview on the reality and person of the Holy Spirit, posted at The Bible Archive.

Trent Cotton presents True Understanding of Salvation-Confessions from a Converted Catholic posted at Christian Men-Christian Warriors.

My wife, Jody Neufeld, presents Speak Jesus, I am Listening at Jody’s Devotionals.

Here’s my own contribution for the week–my interview with Keith Williams about the Mosaic Bible (NLT).

And here are some blog posts that were not submitted, but that I decided it would be worthwhile to call your attention to.

Josh Mann at for the Sake of Truth wrote a post Ancient Boxing and the Apostle Paul which is just a sample of the many posts he writes on New Testament backgrounds.

One of our other contributions referenced Allan R. Bevere. Besides the that post, let me call your attention to the first post in his series on Revelation. It looks like it will be fun!

Would you approve of a conservative Bible translation project? Before you answer, check out this post from Exploring Our Matrix.

There are many other deserving posts and blogs out there, but I’ll leave it at that.

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of The Christian Carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.

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