A Different Look at Seeker Sensitivity
Doug Rea says all churches should be seeker sensitive, but who is seeking?
Doug Rea says all churches should be seeker sensitive, but who is seeking?
Wesley Elsberry has posted his comment on the petition for the Florida science standards at The Panda’s Thumb. If you haven’t signed, consider signing and commenting.
… to look up “suffrage.”
I often read a few lines of these scam e-mails just because they are so poorly written. Today I got a new one purporting to be from one “Sgt. David Brown” a “U. S. Marine Capt.” in Iraq. The stupid scammers should spend more time on research.
As someone who read Ayn Rand starting back in my college days, found her intellectually stimulating, yet disagreed in many ways, I loved this cartoon from Reason.com. (HT: The Agitator)
… and whether they are protestant. I think that Geoffrey Lentz covers the ground rather thoroughly and points to some need for reformation in the church today.
More information at Freespace.