Yeah, Do This!
John Bicknell of Congressional Quarterly says Drop the Debates, Try Conflict Instead. Good idea. All of it.
John Bicknell of Congressional Quarterly says Drop the Debates, Try Conflict Instead. Good idea. All of it.
… the legislators, that is. He makes it here. I’m also wondering how many voters who won’t finance education feel they have a right to it anyhow. There’s probably a subset of the voters who voted “no” on funding, would be horrified at Chris’s suggestion, and think education will happen magically anyhow.
This excellent little program includes Alister McGrath, Alexandra Wright, and Dr. Usama Hassan, along with an interview with fellow blogger Mike Beidler. It’s well worth checking out.
Ed Brayton has a post on the NY chapter of NOW, which claims that Ted Kennedy betrayed feminists by endorsing Obama. I had this on my list of topics for posts, but Ed already said it better.
Q: Why did the Arkansas house pass this bill?
… Tyndale has provided me with a certificate to award in a contest over on my Participatory Bible Study blog.
On my Participatory Bible Study blog I asked a question and linked to Bob McDonald (Bob’s Log) in the hope he would answer. He did, in the comments. Read the post for the question, the comments for the answer and supporting data.