A: Because obviously what Jesus would do is shoot them

Q: Why did the Arkansas house pass this bill?

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  1. On the other hand, you had the case in Colorado a while back where an arm security guard shot and killed a murder who had already killed several people at a Christian dorm, and had come to the church to kill more Christians. The fact that someone at the church had a gun saved a lot of lives. I am not necessarily for taking guns to church, but I don’t want killers to think of churches as a place they can go to knowing that no one else there will have a gun.

    1. I’m afraid I’m into trusting God on what happens in church. I am aware of the case in Colorado, but personally I choose “no.”

      On the other hand, the headline thing was too much fun to resist!

  2. There have been numerous cases of shootings by intruders at churches, notably in Texas a few years back. Even Columbine had an element of anti-faith bias in the shootings as the shooters sought out “jocks and Christians”. Attacks against Christians, Muslim and Jewish places of worship are fairly common.

    In a “right to carry” state, the prohibition against state-sanctioned permit holders having their guns when they attend church is nonsense. Is it more permissible for them to have a concealed weapon in a grocery store than in a church?

  3. You know if you have cops among your church membership there’s a definite chance they’re armed even in services. Same with some military.

    When you carry concealed, a lot of folk think it’s an all the time thing or useless.

  4. Well, I see my commenters seem to be in support of such a law. Let me just say that neither your comments, nor the fact (which I already knew) that people do carry concealed weapons in church makes me feel more secure.

    But the reasons for that would take more time than a comment, and my whole post was a snarky one liner!

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