Bug Report
(HT: The Christian Cynic in a comment on Dispatches.)
(HT: The Christian Cynic in a comment on Dispatches.)
Here I went and wrote an entire book on the subject, and Jon Birch gets it in one picture: HT: Kouya Chronicle
Start up your sense of humor and then go read this! HT: Kouya Chronicle.
Students at UC San Diego are trying to solve a really serious problem. (Because of the way this theme works, you need to go to the actual post to get the link. At some point I’ll try to figure out how to change that.)
Despite the subtitle of my other blog, Threads from Henry’s Web, which reads “Thoughts on Religion in the World from a passionate, moderate, liberal charismatic Christian”, it appears that on this blog I am very conservative. So saith N. T. Wrong, and who am I to argue? He says this in a new Biblioblog Top…
Well, not really. It’s mine. Here it is: I’ve had it since last Christmas but didn’t think of it until today when I looked at it sitting on my desk. You see, last year I commented to my wife that I thought the song “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas” was “cute.” She never forgets…
Just so! (HT: Exploring Our Matrix)