Peter Enns Leaving WTS
I wanted to report on this mutually agreed separation, because I have previously reported on the problems. (HT: Through a Glass Darkly.)
I wanted to report on this mutually agreed separation, because I have previously reported on the problems. (HT: Through a Glass Darkly.)
Rachel Held Evans says some things I wish I had said about the so-called masculinity crisis in the church. I guess I’m one of those “dudes who are still sort of chicks.” (Read the post if you don’t get it.)
Well, my prospective, perhaps presumptive garden, that is. One of the important elements to understanding stories in the Bible, parables included, is our perspective. In Christian circles, when we hear “the sower went forth to sow,” (Matthew 13:3), or perhaps “a farmer went out to sow his seed,” we generally see ourselves in the role… has an interesting article today on medical practices and faith. The general title belies the content which is almost exclusively about clinics that do not offer birth control, sterilizations, in-vitro fertilization, or abortions. According to the article there is a growing trend. The article notes: The number of “NFP-only” practices is unknown, but an…
I was mentioned by Ed Brayton (blogs at Dispatches from the Culture Wars) in a comment to a post on Facebook, and made a couple of comments myself. Here’s the Facebook post: There are two things here that interest me. First is the claim that moderates and liberals don’t take their faith seriously. This is…
… then perhaps nobody could say this: But if four years of college undo 18 years of parenting and religious affiliation, perhaps the faith community’s tenuous hold is the problem, not the particular place outside its bubble where that hold evaporates. Consider the believers we’ve seen in history. With all the persecution that Judaism and…
When I wrote about 2 Corinthians and the importance of story, I had not read this wonderful post. (HT: John Meunier.)