Becoming a Pensacola Pelicans Fan

I very rarely post personal stuff here, but you’re going to have to put up with just a little bit. My son John Webb is a professional pitcher. He has portions of two seasons at the big league level, and a considerable amount of AAA time. He didn’t get that big league contract this year, which was disappointing, but from a parents’ point of view, the consolation prize was pretty good.

He’s coming to pitch for the home town Pensacola Pelicans, and he’ll be living here. My occasional visits to the ballpark for our American Association team will have to become regular attendance!

Obviously we still hope for that major league call, but for the moment, we’ll take playing right here at home and be happy.

You’ll have to live with the updates, a few pictures, and a bit of cheering. I won’t be able to resist.

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