A Conservative Speaks on Intelligent Design
. . . in NRO. Quoth he: “The ‘intelligent design’ hoax is not merely non-science, nor even merely anti-science; it is anti-civilization.”
One characteristic of creationist debate over the last few decades has been moving the goal posts. Every time a new fossil is discovered that fits into the evolutionary pattern for some lineage we hear the “it’s still an X” litany, followed by pointing to yet more gaps. Each new fossil, it seems, creates new gaps…
… from Allan Bevere. This relates to my earlier post, The Real War on Christmas.
I was going to write about his, but Laura has already done a good job. Like my dad the doctor taught me, there’s no need to make it either/or; it’s both/and.
JuliaL, in a comment to my previous post, Don McLeroy and his Big Creationist Tent . I’m going to copy the comment here and reply, because I think it brings up an important point that deserves a post of its own. Heres the part that mystifies me: Consider natural selection of random mutations. If theyre…
. . . at Lingamish. [Note: Linked post withdrawn by author Lingamish.] Well worth reading.
You can find his further thoughts again at Reclaiming the Mind. If you read the first one, you should read this one as well.