Obama at Ebenezer Baptist
The entire text is available on Levellers, and it’s a good one. Head over there and read it. I have the same reservations that Michael Westmoreland-White indicates, but that doesn’t detract from the quality of the speech.
Read more on Levellers – Frank Schaeffer: Why I Am a Pro-Life Obama Supporter.
I often read a few lines of these scam e-mails just because they are so poorly written. Today I got a new one purporting to be from one “Sgt. David Brown” a “U. S. Marine Capt.” in Iraq. The stupid scammers should spend more time on research.
I’ve long thought that the major problem of the media was not so much bias (though bias is evidence) but shallowness. Today Allan Bevere said it much better.
When Troy Brittain started blogging, I knew we’d get some good stuff, and his post More Irony from the ID Creationist Crowd is a good example. It seems unlikely that the real interest of the ID crowd is academic freedom.
Every so often Christine’s photos and/or Haiku are so good that I just have to call your attention to them. Stairways is great.
… if they’re not used after two years. What can possibly make this a good idea? (HT: The Agitator).