Christian Carnival #212 Posted
. . . at The Evangelical Ecologist. Thanks to Don for hosting a fine carnival.
. . . at The Evangelical Ecologist. Thanks to Don for hosting a fine carnival.
[This is part of my series of responses to The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. The parent entry is From the Land of the Deluded.] I truly have to wonder to what extent Dawkins is arguing in favor of freedom, and to what extent he is arguing in favor of the enforcement of his own…
Typically we talk about salvation around Good Friday and easter. We are saved by his death and his return to life. And there is certainly something to be said for that. But this constant focus on the sacrifice of Jesus being largely in his death sometimes obscures other meanings that the Jesus’ life, death, and…
I get into more trouble with the word “rebuke” than with just about any other. Perhaps I could find a bit less loaded of an English word to translate this concept, but it’s an important one. I mentioned teaching about “the skills of rebuking and being rebuked.” This tends to disturb people. Why? I think…
A friend e-mailed me about a post which caught my attention. It seems that a blogger wanted to use the feed of the ESV Bible from the official web site, but found that the terms of service required him to accept a doctrinal statement first (relevant links are in his entry). Personally, I think that…
Johnny Esposito, a KJV-Only advocate, states in a recent article (HT: King James Only?) that the basic premise of Harold Lindsell’s book Battle for the Bible can be summarized as: When one questions the inerrancy of the Bible compromise is soon to follow When one changes their position on the Bible compromise in other areas…
I think she has two excellent points, the first about the danger of thinking of oneself as a celebrity (evangelical or not!), and the second about the value of structured prayer. I’d add a note on the value of structured Bible study, which also forces one to leave one’s comfort zone and one’s own desires…