Like a Bull in a China Shop?
This one is great!
HT: evangelical outpost. To those who have seen my previous Site Advisor notes, evangelical outpost is now rated green by their site.
This one is great!
HT: evangelical outpost. To those who have seen my previous Site Advisor notes, evangelical outpost is now rated green by their site.
In French, the title of The March of the Penguins was La Marche de l’Empereur (The March of the Emperor). Knowing that, behold, an ad for the film shown on French television. HT: Why Evolution is True.
As a dual citizen, I had to appreciate this: Here are the favorable/unfavorable ratings in the new national NBC/WSJ poll — Mark Murray (@mmurraypolitics) September 21, 2016 via Note: I read their Significant Digits every day. Great site.
David Ker has written a book, and it has lots of pictures of hippos in it. Since my very favorite song is “I want a hippopotamus for Christmas,” this means that I truly adore the book. Besides, I’m only about a decade late taking notice of it. Now I haven’t actually read the book, but…
… and that title may be too soft. Nonetheless those with a sense of humor should get a few good laughs from this. One keeps hoping it’s a spoof, but it doesn’t appear to be. This is so not what Revelation is about!
The World of Jeeves is an omnibus collection of stories about Jeeves and Wooster. If you’re a fan, this is a great collection. I have to admit that I had only read a little bit before I picked up this volume, but I am a fan of almost any British humor and Jeeves and Wooster…
(HT: Why Evolution is True)
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Great video. But I still cannot access Evangelical Outpost, same error occurs.