
Notes and Links on Atonement

I’ve gotten severely behind in reading the current atonement debate, but I haven’t ceased being interested. I note that Adrian has taken to throwing passages at his opponents, ones which we’re sure to have read before, including Isaiah 53, and 2 Corinthians 5. Because I accept substitution and even penal substitution as valid metaphors, but not as the key or sole metaphor, I am not surprised to find some substitution in scripture.

I wrote two items on the atonement in partial response to the debate. The first is an entry for my wife’s devotional list, which was posted this morning and expresses my view that understanding the details of doctrine is not nearly as important as many seem to think. The second is a few notes on Isaiah 53 and the suffering servant.

There is quite a bit of good stuff on the atonement going around the web right now. I got a link to Is Your Gospel Robust Enough, and I wish I could give a hat tip to the right person, but I can’t find where I got the link. The post discusses our excessively individual view of salvation, a problem that is common to many advocates of PSA–and to many of the rest of us as well.

Dave Warnock is preaching from Ephesians 2:11-22, one of my favorite passages, and is doing a wonderful job of it. At the same time Peter Kirk is keeping active, with a post titled UCCF Director contradicts the Bible and the Apostles’ Creed which he starts from a comment he made here.

I plan to get back to talking about literary genres tomorrow, but I may be tempted to say more about the atonement. You can always hope not!

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  1. “not as the key or sole metaphor”

    I don’t think anyone is saying “sole”. Not Adrian. Not Pierced for our transgressions. We’re all saying there are many things the cross achieves – you only have to look at John Pipers 50 reasons Jesus died to see that. But it is fair to say we’re saying Penal Substitution is the spring from which the rest flow.

  2. But it is fair to say we’re saying Penal Substitution is the spring from which the rest flow.

    And I have also heard it said many times that penal substitution is the reason Jesus died, with any other effects being secondary. But I am also opposed to the idea that penal substitution is the spring from which all others flow. It is simply one metaphor amongst many.

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