Christian Carnival CXLVII
Rev-Ed has recovered from election day activities and posted the Christian Carnival CXLVII. Hopefully my schedule this week will allow me to link back to a few of these posts.
Thanks to Rev-Ed for a nice carnival.
Rev-Ed has recovered from election day activities and posted the Christian Carnival CXLVII. Hopefully my schedule this week will allow me to link back to a few of these posts.
Thanks to Rev-Ed for a nice carnival.
The following working translation and notes accompany my podcast Cleansing the Temple. 15Then they went into Jerusalem, and after they entered the temple he began to throw out those who were selling and buying in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money changers and up-ended those of the dove sellers. The problem…
Working faster than a speeding bullet and showing more power than a locomotive, Amanda has posted the Christian Carnival CLVII. No, she didn’t use a superman theme; that was suggested to me when I found the carnival already completed early this morning, and I’m an early riser! So congratulations on a good first time hosting…
Christian Carnival CL has been posted at Brain Cramps for God. It’s well organized and there is some good stuff there as always. I’ve already commented on one good post over at Threads from Henry’s Web. Go, read, enjoy!
I haven’t gotten anything written during the last week on this blog. This is not due to a hiatus in Bible study. There’s plenty to write, and I’ve been writing elsewhere, but I just haven’t gotten here with something specifically exegetical. In the meantime, I wrote a devotional from my wife’s list, titled Handling Scandal….
Some excellent thoughts at the BioLogos Foundation blog Science and the Sacred.
The latest Christian Carnival has been posted at Thoughts of a Gyrovague. Go read, enjoy, and learn!