Another Reason to be Involved with your Children reports on a study showing that internet predators aren’t behaving the way people assumed they behaved. Instead in many cases they’re picking up teens by openly looking for sex, and there are some teens who are willing to go along. How can you actually protect your children? Even though I came into the parenting…

Florida Citizens for Science Blog on Standards

Brandon Haught has blogged much of the discussion on the Florida Citizens for Science Blog. My previous post is here. I doubt the standards opponents would have gone to such trouble over the word “theory” if they didn’t intend some underhanded tactics based on the popular definition as curriculum is developed and textbooks are chosen.

Panic in the Temple of Darwin?

A friend forwarded a link to an article on Dr. Albert Mohler’s blog titled Two Irreconcilable Worldviews. I would note, incidentally, that Dr. Mohler’s blog doesn’t allow commenting, a practice I deplore. Nonetheless, in his position I imagine it is to be expected. There are so many things I could comment on in this post….

Not Keeping Hyperbole Straight

Some folks on the right are apparently having trouble keeping their hyperbole straight. I’ll let Ed Brayton, of Dispatches from the Culture Wars carry it on from there with OMG! Obama is a Fascist!, referencing a post on STACLU and his next post No, Wait: Obama is a Communist!, referencing a post on WorldNetDaily. Ed,…

Gov. Bobby Jindal Interview

I enjoyed Wolf Blitzer’s interview with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (transcript). Here’s a rising star in the Republican party. He also knows some of the importance of not only having a message but communicating it. I was interested in his comments on Barack Obama: But I will say this about the other two major candidates….

What Have They Done with Jesus? – II

It has been some time since I wrote my first post on this book. I have been distracted by other matters. The first chapter really builds very little on the principles I described in my first post. Rather this deals with the historical clues we have in the gospels about two women: Joanna and Miriam…

FAQ on Theistic Evolution

This is a reminder that even though I truly dislike the term “theistic evolutionist,” I’m continuing to develop my FAQ on Theistic Evolution. Besides listing the FAQ (far short of the number I need there) it provides links to my most recent posts here and on the Participatory Bible Study Blog that relate to theistic…

Interesting Florida County Statistics

I have been neglecting to post much on the Florida science standards issue lately. One interesting study looks at the FCAT scores for students in counties supporting and opposing the standards. You can find the article here. Be sure to keep up with the action via the Florida Citizens for Science Blog. Speaking of Florida…

The Value of REB Eccentricity

Or perhaps I should say REB uniqueness. One of the major reasons for using multiple Bible versions when studying the Bible in English (or any other language other than the originals) is to make yourself aware of alternate translations for particular passages. This goes beyond different ways of expressing the thought in English, to places…

Ethics of Lotteries vs Casinos

I live in Florida where we have a lottery that is supposed to provide money for education. At the same time we have a strong resistance to allowing casino gambling. Now I’m not a gambler, and don’t recommend it. Some do it for entertainment, and I don’t have a problem with that. For me it…

On Being a Stepfather

I was pleased to find a report on on titled It’s tough being a stepdad. In my experience stepparents are often underrated, and do not receive much consideration. The stories we hear tend to be negative–when stepparents fail, as often we do. You see, I am a stepfather. I got married late in life…

New Poll – Why Do You Read the Bible?

I’ve replaced my poll on Origen with a new one, this time asking what reason causes you to spend the most time reading the Bible. I’m interested in the results. In my personal experience I have heard people express all of these reasons. You’ll find the poll in the right sidebar.

Origen and Bible Censorship Poll Results

You can see the poll results here if you haven’t done so already. I’m going to replace the poll with a new one. I posted this poll after reading Origen’s comment that immature Christians should not be permitted to read certain passages of scripture, especially the Song of Songs (or Song of Solomon). I found…