Meditations on a Healing Service

Or perhaps I should call it thoughts resulting from meditations on a healing service. But that makes a long title. I’ve mentioned here before that my wife and I recently transferred our membership to First United Methodist Church in Pensacola. This past Sunday we had the opportunity to attend a healing service at our new…

Pelicans Back Home – Win 5-3

Update: The Pensacola News Journal now has a report here. After a depressing road trip and a delay filled return, the Pelicans got off to a late start against the Shreveport Sports. John Webb (my stepson, for those who haven’t realized it yet!) started for the Pelicans and went 6.2, allowing 3 runs, 2 earned….

Fairness vs. Fairness

With a hat tip to evangelical outpost, I present this quote from P. J. O’Rourke in the LA Times. The Bible is very clear about one thing: Using politics to create fairness is a sin. Observe the Tenth Commandment. The first nine commandments concern theological principles and social law: Thou shalt not make graven images,…

4 Posts

I’ve decided to start a series of irregular but hopefully frequent posts on the Moderate Christian Blogroll blog for the purpose of trying to increase interaction. You can read the explanation, or see the first entry, 4 Posts on Christian Apologetics.

Sermon Today on Genesis 1:1-2:4a

I want to recommend another sermon from the senior pastor at our new church, Pensacola First UMC, Dr. Wesley Wachob. I should note that they usually post audio from a different service than the one I attend, and he doesn’t follow a precise written text, so there may be some difference. There were two reasons…

A Remarkable Piece of Anti-Evolutionary Logic

Via Quintessence of Dust I found this post at Reasons to Believe, with the following interesting paragraph: The fundamental problem with evolution as a scientific theory is that it is neither predictive nor falsifiable. Embryologist and geneticist C. H. Waddington says, “The theory of evolution is unfalsifiable… If an animal evolves one way, biologists have…


. . . but on target. I refer to this post on Pursuing Holiness. My own preference is that churches and religious organizations define marriage for their own constituents, and the state simply define households. Laura’s words about free speech destroying human rights committees are also on target.

Math Education and a Bit of Logic

Recently I’ve had several different things remind me of what I perceive to be a serious problem with numbers in this country. This can have a severe impact on one’s personal life, but also on church and social policy issues. I recall when I argued some academic affairs committee into allowing me to count a…

John Webb Pitches 2nd Game

I was intending to post this earlier, but at an away game this time John pitched his second game of the season. He went seven innings with 1 earned run, but got the loss due to 4 infield errors. When we were listening to the radio broadcast they reported two earned runs, and I was…

Lakeland Revival Notes

A number of my friends have commented to me on the revival in Lakeland, Florida at Ignited Church, some positively, some with questions, and some critically. Some have seen opposition that is already represented on the web, such as you find here. I have not attended or watched the revival in Lakeland, and I don’t…

The Bible as an Idol?

Via the blogroll on Gavin’s Various Musings I found Evolving in Monkey Town, and right there at the top was this post on making the Bible an idol. How could I resist continuing to read? After I had read far enough I came across the following quote: I believe that the primary purpose of the…

Changing Churches

My wife and I went to the front of the church last Sunday, declaring our decision to transfer our membership to a new congregation. Many people today are disenchanted with the idea of church membership. I’m a strong believer in membership and involvement. It’s a commitment you make to be an active and supportive part…

A Teacher of Myths

Ed Brayton promoted a discussion I had with another commenter on his blog, and that has generated yet another discussion of whether religion and science are incompatible. A certain number of folks believe they are not, and that religion should fade away as science rules all. For some unfathomable reason, I disagree. One of the…