A Note on Types and Antitypes

If you aren’t acquainted with the concept of types and antitypes, you will find it much more difficult to see a connection between the lectionary passages and to build sermons that connect the overall story of the gospel.  I’m just providing a brief note here, because I saw a good working definition in the Orthodox Study Bible, p. 190:

…In each case, the type–the first event–is linked to its corresponding future event, called the “antitype.”  It is a relationship that begins with a promise and ends with a fulfillment in Christ.

The OrthSB then quotes St. John Chrysostom, but I prefer quoting a bit more, even though the source I’m using is in archaic language:

Seest thou how grace comes by Him? look also to truth. His grace the instance just mentioned, and what happened in the case of the thief, and the gift of Baptism, and the grace of the Spirit given by Him declare, and many other things. But His truth we shall more clearly know, if we understand the types. For the types like patterns anticipated and sketched beforehand the dispensations which should be accomplished under the new covenant, and Christ came and fulfilled them. Let us now consider the types in few words, for we cannot at the present time go through all that relates to them; but when you have learned some points from those (instances) which I shall set before you, you will know the others also.  (Homilies on the Gospel of John #14)

Especially in the case of Numbers 21:4-9 and its connection to John 3, this concept can be very helpful.  See my note today on the Participatory Bible Study blog.


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