Christian Carnival CCLXVIII Posted
… at Crossroads. You can check out the carnival archive here, and consider getting involved by submitting posts and hosting.
… at Crossroads. You can check out the carnival archive here, and consider getting involved by submitting posts and hosting.
I have a tendency to get caught up in an idea. When I started adding a lectionary tag to posts that I thought were relevant to upcoming lectionary readings my intention was to simply tag things I was going to write anyhow, and also to encourage myself to write a little bit more about my…
. . . Deitrich Bonhoeffer edition has been posted.
Just how does one go about determining how to read these chapters? I’ve talked in previous posts about literary types and historicity, but this is more about approach. I have both heard and read places where people state that these chapters are obviously narrative history because they “sound like it.” But how should one’s ears,…
Christian Carnival for Epiphany 2007 has been posted at The Wittenberg Gate. Start the new year off right by checking in with some of your fellow Christian bloggers.
I’m posting my 1 Corinthians audio series on the Pacesetters Bible School Newsletter blog, with the first entry here. You can follow this series either through the “1 Corinthians” keyword or the “Bible Pacesetter Podcast” keyword. The latter is mildly misleading because this podcast is not registered with iTunes, and appears only on the Pacesetters…
I agree with Ed Brayton’s comments on the Enemy Belligerent, Interrogation, Detention, and Prosecution Act of 2010.