More on Principles of Biblical Interpretation

Bruce Alderman disagrees with some of the principles of interpretation from Trivium Pursuit, which I referenced earlier, and has started a series on the same topic. His first principle is:

All this is a long way of introducing my first principle of biblical interpretation: “God, what are you trying to tell me through these scriptures?”

That sounds like an excellent question. I’ll be watching for the continued discussion.

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One Comment

  1. You must first of all see that the bible is written by Jews to Jews and that includes the New Testament. You must put on a Hebrew mind set and remove all reference to chapters and verses as they did not exist in the orginal. When you do you have a Bible with seven battles clearly described when concludes with the the Great White Throne (Throne of Light, Hebrew). I can continue this if you are interested and describe these seven battlels which is about to occure again in the 5th battle.

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