Another Link on Hebrews Structure

Dave Black provided me with a link to his article, The Problem of the Literary Structure of Hebrews: An Evaluation and a Proposal, and I wanted to link that here and connect it to the previous post.

Without intending violence to the overall value of the article, I found one of the most helpful parts to be a summary of Vanhoye’s structure and outline. Anything that has the word “chiasm” in it gets at least a second, if not a third, look from me!

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  1. I must admit I am partial to Vanhoye. In the days before I developed my rhetorical analysis software, I explored the epistle with a diagram using Vanhoye as a guide. Yet I wonder if I consider keywords too much. I think you have probably seen this. All the links are active on it.

    1. I’m going to keep that outline with the color coding in mind as I do my study guide. It does the best I’ve seen at reflecting both the complexity and the power of the structure of Hebrews.

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