

Each time I hear a news item that I know will involve members of our armed services being sent into danger, I am jarred just a bit. This wasn’t so early in my life.

I formed many political opinions without ever thinking of the individual human cost of those actions. The fact is that if we’re going to “teach ______ (country, group, etc) a lesson” someone is going to pay for it. Perhaps they will just lose time with their families or comforts. Some, however, will lose everything.

I do not say this with the intent of paralyzing our thinking. As a nation, we will sometimes have to do difficult things for freedom, yes, but also for security. But I pray that I never lose that jolt that I feel each time, that tells me, “With this policy, or this action, or in response to this threat, people are going to die.”

With that realization comes the responsibility to make those deaths count and to take care of the people who were willing to make those hopes real.

Somebody has to be willing to risk it all.

I’ve always thought of my own military service as relatively painless. Yes, there were plenty of things to complain about. Besides, what would one do in the boring hours between various activities if one couldn’t moan and groan?

On the other hand, I had the undeserved privilege of serving with some of the finest people I have every know. Rough, rowdy, sometimes difficult, yes. But at the same time totally dedicated, totally ready to serve, and totally committed to their crew and their unit.

I recently commented to someone regarding a movie scene in which guys who had moments before been yelling at one another immediately came together to fight their enemy. I said this: “You don’t have to like the guy to be ready to trust your life to them. There were always guys I didn’t like personally all that much. But they would all put everything into the mission when the time came.”

To all who have served, I thank you. To those I served with, I want to say that my time with you was the greatest privilege of my life. To those who have passed on, and there are plenty of you, your place in my heart, and I believe in all our hearts, is secure.

Featured image is from af.mil.

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