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20 Things to Doubt
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Perhaps Jerry Pournelle Should Stick to Fiction
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Poor Offended People Want to Murder Someone
I agree with this note which calls this column, titled Prejudiced Danes Provoke Fanaticism, execrable. Freedom of thought requires the freedom to offend, and being offended does not justify violence.
Emotions, Momentum Shifts, and Margins of Error
This CQPolitics article is a good read on New Hampshire, I think. Along with emotions, one needs to remember that polls come with margins of error [Wikipedia], and that even those are within a certain confidence percentage.
UC Admissions Case Update
Since it’s my day to link to Ed (not really, but he has some good posts, here’s an update on the UC admissions case.
Doxologies in Psalms
On my Participatory Bible Study blog I asked a question and linked to Bob McDonald (Bob’s Log) in the hope he would answer. He did, in the comments. Read the post for the question, the comments for the answer and supporting data.