Prayers for Rick Warren
My profound sympathy and my prayers go to Rick Warren, whose 27-year-old son committed suicide. May God bring comfort and healing.
My profound sympathy and my prayers go to Rick Warren, whose 27-year-old son committed suicide. May God bring comfort and healing.
John at Locusts and Honey, is bringing the Methodist Blogs Weekly Roundup to a close with this week’s edition. John has done a wonderful job of building up the Methodist blogosphere, and I have great sympathy for him as he lays aside this enormous task. I’ll miss the “human touch” in selecting the posts, but…
Short, but well stated. (HT: Through a Glass Darkly) An Invitation to Justice from The Justice Conference on Vimeo.
I am back in town after a week near Niagara Falls, NY. I’ll be returning to posting in a hurry. For an explanation, look here.
I’ve watched with some annoyance as trust in the mainstream media (whatever that is) has diminished, to be replaced by trust in even less reliable news sources. Many media outlets earned popular contempt by their carelessness with the facts. My observation is that the news media have been more biased toward “shallow” than in any…
Or perhaps I should call it thoughts resulting from meditations on a healing service. But that makes a long title. I’ve mentioned here before that my wife and I recently transferred our membership to First United Methodist Church in Pensacola. This past Sunday we had the opportunity to attend a healing service at our new…
I’ve been even more irregular than usual in my blogging over the last couple of months. My excuse is that my company, Energion Publications, has been going through a transition which has kept me incredibly busy. The transition is a good one. We were in a position to improve some of our equipment and tools…