Prayers for Rick Warren
My profound sympathy and my prayers go to Rick Warren, whose 27-year-old son committed suicide. May God bring comfort and healing.
My profound sympathy and my prayers go to Rick Warren, whose 27-year-old son committed suicide. May God bring comfort and healing.
This was a lateral move with the same provider, but still the database was physically moved. If you commented over the last 24-48 hours and your comment is missing, it was most likely due to the move. If you are seeing this, you can go ahead and comment and your comment will not be lost.
When writing research papers students are frequently warned against using secondary sources. If one must use a secondary source, one must be certain that it’s reliable, and indicate the actual source. Scholars get in the habit of using primary sources as often as possible. But in spirituality, I notice that many people tend toward the…
Threads from Henry’s Web is now being aggregated in the Unright Christian Blogs aggregator. I appreciate this service. To quote its purpose: Sometimes you come across the assumption that “Christian”, by definition, means “conservative”. This blog aggregator is an attempt to show that this assumption is far from true. This will not draw away from…
A reader told me that my feed wasn’t updating in bloglines. I have confirmed that indeed it is not. I’m trying a run through the claim process to see if it will repair itself.
The WP Framework theme has been upgraded and broke my child theme, which included a few hacks. The new one looks like I can do even better things with it, but it will take me some time to code. In the meantime, I’ve put most of my normal widgets back, though all in the right…
I’ve been even more irregular than usual in my blogging over the last couple of months. My excuse is that my company, Energion Publications, has been going through a transition which has kept me incredibly busy. The transition is a good one. We were in a position to improve some of our equipment and tools…