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The Problem with Bible Outlines
Outlining is a valuable practice in Bible study. It can Help you understand the relationship between sections of a passage Direct you to the key point Clarify ambiguities Give you a feel for the structure of an author’s argument Clearly some of these overlap. One of the common practices in teaching the Bible, however, is…

The Danger of Serious Bible Study
I believe it’s important to study the Bible. Many approaches are useful in this, and I’ve discussed them elsewhere. But the idea of serious Bible study can become a problem. I’m sure some readers are scratching their heads. How can it possibly be a problem to study the Bible seriously? Isn’t that obviously the right…
Martyn on Historical Methods (Galatians)
I’m doing a run through J. Louis Martyn’s commentary on Galatians (Anchor Bible)Galatians (Anchor Bible), and enjoying it a great deal. He has a paragraph on historical methodology to which I want to call your attention: Convincing attempts to present a chronology of Paul’s travels and labors are based on a simple rule: Our first…
Genesis 10: The Table of Nations
Genesis 10 is one of those chapters that Bible students often try to avoid, because it is filled with names that are difficult to pronounce, and it’s hard for our modern ears to hear it as anything other than an interruption. But to the redactor of Genesis, these genealogies were serious business. Genesis 5 provides…
August 2010 Biblical Studies Carnival Posted
… at Zwinglius Redivivus. It does not include me, but I can’t think of anything I wrote recently that I would have nominated, so I can’t complain. Also, I won’t be quoting John Calvin favorably, so this may not be remedied in the immediate future. (If you don’t get the Calvin thing, go and actually…
An Exegetical Outline of Hebrews
Via Dave Black I found Brian Small’s link to Nathan Brown’s outline of Hebrews. Here’s what Dave had to say: 6:48 PMBrian Small has just linked to An Exegetical Outline of Hebrews. The author naturally shies away from Pauline authorship even though new arguments are being made for that position today (or at least for…