In the Mail: Dreams from My Real Father
It’s a DVD of the movie. No, I didn’t buy it and I didn’t order it. I already read enough about it to know I have no interest in its paranoid ramblings.
It came in my mailbox with a presort mail label, addressed to me by name, and my wife didn’t get one, so I must be on a specific mailing list. I’m wondering how far these folks are going to distribute this junk. Apparently WorldNetDaily has had nice things to say about it, but that isn’t exactly a positive.
Anyone else get a free copy of this in the mail?
It’s amazing how you are willing to draw all of your conclusions based on irrelevant associations.
Also, because this is probably the only time I’ll ever stumble in to this sorry excuse for a website, allow me to point out how arrogant and pretentious it is to describe yourself as passionate or charismatic. Those are adjectives for third parties to bestow upon you; not for self-application. At first I thought it was an attempt at humor, but after noticing that your headlines are all regurgitated from mainstream milquetoast, it’s pretty obvious that you’re just a prick.
Good luck out there. Please wake up and embrace Christ.
Having clicked through to your video, I believe I’m content to be the target of your attempted insult.