Permalink Problems
Over the last 24 hours there was a problem with permalinks on this site, as in they didn’t work. I’ve fixed it now, so all individual posts are accessible. I apologize for any problems readers may have had.
Over the last 24 hours there was a problem with permalinks on this site, as in they didn’t work. I’ve fixed it now, so all individual posts are accessible. I apologize for any problems readers may have had.
Rev-Ed has recovered from election day activities and posted the Christian Carnival CXLVII. Hopefully my schedule this week will allow me to link back to a few of these posts. My post is from my Participatory Bible Study Blog as usual. Thanks to Rev-Ed for a nice carnival. I divide my posting between three blogs,…
My Participatory Bible Study blog is represented in this week’s Christian Carnival CXXXVIII: The Kingdom Beacon Herald. I’ve intended to submit something for some time, and though it’s not hard, I’ve just never gotten around to selecting a good entry. It looks like a fun set of entries, including not only mine, but also this…
Christian Carnival CXLIV has been posted over at The Buzz Blog. It’s another group of interesting posts and I intend to comment on some this week. Hopefully this week will be less busy than the last one! 🙂 Unless I’ve misread my calendar, I’m hosting the next carnival, so I’ll be sending out notices on…
I’m appending my dad’s obituary to this post in its fully expanded version. Various papers published various portions. I greatly appreciate the expressions of sympathy and support from the comments here. I’m still in Niagara Falls until Saturday, though a good portion of my business happens on the internet so I’m back to working some….
Jeremy at Free Old Testament Audio is continuing tinkering his system for acquiring and displaying the rankings, and thinking about how to decide who belongs on the list.
Christian Carnival CXLVI is now up, hosted by Evangelical Ecologist. I’ll take a close look at it once my Threads and Participatory Bible Study blogs are back from the never-never land of server problems. Right now, you’re reading this on a different domain after redirection from the normal location.