Link: Five Reasons to Study Barth
I’m linking to this in honor of my friend and pastor, Geoffrey Lentz, who can’t complete a sermon without a Barth quote. (HT: Dave Black Online).
I’m linking to this in honor of my friend and pastor, Geoffrey Lentz, who can’t complete a sermon without a Barth quote. (HT: Dave Black Online).
A discussion of my book When People Speak for God is taking place on the Compuserve Religion Forum. At the same time, has dropped the price to $12.23 ($17.99 suggested retail). I have also just written some notes on Justin Holcomb’s book Christian Theologies of Scripture over on my Participatory Bible Study blog. While…
I’ve been thinking of writing this ever since I read Joe Carter’s post Plagued by Certainty, but I haven’t really had the time. You see, while there are certainly many things regarding which I disagree with Joe Carter, I find a certain resonance with his claim of certainty in matters of faith. This certainty does…
I have created a new Christian Carnival Archive, which includes posts to date, and also links to the previous archives, so that you can have one central place from which to locate all available Christian Carnival editions.
I’m reading the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Volume X, Hebrews, and I found this interesting quote from St. John Chrysostom: St. John Chrysostom We ought to receive all things with faith and reverence, and, when our discourse fails through weakness and is not able to set forth accurately the things that are…
The first two articles of the Together for the Gospel statement relate to the Bible. I’m going to deal primarily with the first article in this short essay. The article reads: I find myself so fundamentally in disagreement with this article that practically every word requires some sort of response. Since I have written fairly…
Levellers has a number of interesting events and people. I linked simply because of two people: Thomas Coke, who was consecrated “bishop” by John Wesley, 9/2/1784, and J. R. R. Tolkien who died 9/2/1973. I’m pretty sure the two events unrelated, other than by the fact that I appreciate both men.
A discussion of my book When People Speak for God is taking place on the Compuserve Religion Forum. At the same time, has dropped the price to $12.23 ($17.99 suggested retail). I have also just written some notes on Justin Holcomb’s book Christian Theologies of Scripture over on my Participatory Bible Study blog. While…
I’ve been thinking of writing this ever since I read Joe Carter’s post Plagued by Certainty, but I haven’t really had the time. You see, while there are certainly many things regarding which I disagree with Joe Carter, I find a certain resonance with his claim of certainty in matters of faith. This certainty does…
I have created a new Christian Carnival Archive, which includes posts to date, and also links to the previous archives, so that you can have one central place from which to locate all available Christian Carnival editions.
I’m reading the Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture, New Testament, Volume X, Hebrews, and I found this interesting quote from St. John Chrysostom: St. John Chrysostom We ought to receive all things with faith and reverence, and, when our discourse fails through weakness and is not able to set forth accurately the things that are…
The first two articles of the Together for the Gospel statement relate to the Bible. I’m going to deal primarily with the first article in this short essay. The article reads: I find myself so fundamentally in disagreement with this article that practically every word requires some sort of response. Since I have written fairly…
Levellers has a number of interesting events and people. I linked simply because of two people: Thomas Coke, who was consecrated “bishop” by John Wesley, 9/2/1784, and J. R. R. Tolkien who died 9/2/1973. I’m pretty sure the two events unrelated, other than by the fact that I appreciate both men.
A discussion of my book When People Speak for God is taking place on the Compuserve Religion Forum. At the same time, has dropped the price to $12.23 ($17.99 suggested retail). I have also just written some notes on Justin Holcomb’s book Christian Theologies of Scripture over on my Participatory Bible Study blog. While…
I’ve been thinking of writing this ever since I read Joe Carter’s post Plagued by Certainty, but I haven’t really had the time. You see, while there are certainly many things regarding which I disagree with Joe Carter, I find a certain resonance with his claim of certainty in matters of faith. This certainty does…