
Life Application Study Bible Giveaway

For participation in a previous contest, Tyndale House has sent me a certificate for one free copy of the Life Application Study Bible (NLT), which they say is the #1-selling study Bible.

I’m happy to be able to provide someone with a copy of an NLT. I’m going to do this a bit differently this time. I’m not going to just select a random commenter. Rather, I’m going to ask you to give me a maximum of 140 word application to life drawn from any portion of Genesis 11:10-32. I will randomly select one of every qualified entry.

You can enter as many times as you want to, provided you provide a different life application. I’ll disqualify any entries that are more than 140 words. The word count will use the standard English concept of a word. For example, this paragraph contains 46 words.

I’m going to give everyone tw0 weeks, so I’ll make my selection February 7, and mail you the certificate.

Thanks to Tyndale House for providing this certificate, and for publishing the NLT in many fine editions.

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One Comment

  1. This account of Shem reveals how God blessed his lineage leading to Abram. Shem earlier received his fathers blessing in chapter nine stating the Lord was his God. She m’s lineage believed the Lord, unlike the people God scattered in chapter eleven, which is the reason they were fruitful and multiplied spreading out even to Haran toward Canaan. We can expect God to guide us and lead us when we believe His word and obey His commands. Read His word today and believe in it; then the Lord’s hand will not be against you.

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