Hallelujah Chorus – Quinhagak, Alaska
Some friends of ours sent a link to this video. They have worked in the area and know many of the places.
Hallelujah Chorus -Quinhagak, Alaska
I enjoyed interviewing three different Energion authors last night. The first was Rev. Steve Kindle who talked about stewardship and the importance of starting from an understanding that everything belongs to God. Steve provided some practical steps that a church can use in caring for all of God’s creation. Steve’s book goes into this somewhat…
… by Lisa Robinson. And she does a good job of it.
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From C. Michael Patton: What I have been coming to realize over the years is that there is simply no one way to do church. … You need to read the whole post at Parchment and Pen to get the real drift of what he’s saying, complete with evangelical discomfort with a seeker sensitive service,…
Peter Kirk is discussing the “worst worship song,” a theme (or proto-meme?) that seems to be running amongst the Christian blogs, and he’s particularly concerned that “Heart of Worship” is regarded as the worst by a number of bloggers. That one isn’t my favorite, but I also wouldn’t call it the worst. I’m a bit…
I received two requests for help today. One was from a pastor overseas. He didn’t ask for money. He asked for prayer. I happen to know he needs money. But his most earnest desire is that Jody and I pray for him. I also got another request in the mail. It comes from an organization…
I made a Facebook page for the video: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hallelujah-Chorus-Quinhagak-Alaska-Video/180025738694061
that was really fun – thanks